Display options for the “Start Date” column. Black means the timer is on, gray is paused, and white is stopped. Green means the timer is on, yellow is paused, and red is stopped. If “Display column” is checked, this column is displayed on all files. Uncheck it if you don't want this column displayed. Stop Time equals the Start Time plus the Elapsed Time. Stop Time equals the Start Time plus the Elapsed Time plus the Paused Time. If checked, TimeTracker saves if the timer is tracking, paused, or idle (neither). When the file is later reopened, the timer state resumes. If checked, TimeTracker saves the scrolled position next time you open a file. If checked, TimeTracker saves which time entries are highlighted next time you open a file. When “Auto-Save files” is checked, all open TimeTracker files are automatically saved to disk. The Font and Text Size affects all TimeTracker files. The Column Settings affect all TimeTracker files. Choose your TimeTracker preferences here.